take the 20 minutes
and watch this video:
It's well worth the time spent.
An experiment in shared blogging.
and watch this video:
It so happened that I went to the mall yesterday.
For anyone with any remaining doubts about whether they should look elsewhere for leadership in difficult times than to our Congress, what should be the ultimate proof took place today in the Senate: they nixed tax credits and a national energy RPS from the latest version of the so-called energy bill.
In what may well become history's dictionary-definition example of "head in the sand" thinking, the U.S. today continued to oppose global climate treaties mandating reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Or, to be more accurate, the Bush administration continued its opposition, while evidence suggests the nation's people, by and large, do not oppose such treaties. As the United Nations conference on global warming in Bali winds down this week, only a handful of scientists and a whole lot of polar bears seem to have noticed that the ice is melting in the Arctic, a self-accelerating phenomenon that bodes ill for the bears as well as for millions of coastal-dwellings people.
The so-called leadership of 'merica continues to be woefully out of touch with reality, as most recently evidenced in the Senate's stunningly short-sighted opposition to the current draft of the energy bill.